Unaka Rod & Gun Club 

(Johnson City, TN)

If you would like to pick up your 2025 card -OR- renew in person, Stanley will be available at the main club house: 

Emails have been sent to all current members that we have a valid email address.

Please be aware that all membership renewals are due by February 28th 2025.   If your membership is NOT renewed online or (postmarked by the last day in February) you will have considered to have resigned your membership and will be required to go through the "New Membership Process" which will include a $50 application fee.   Members that have renewed, your cards will be mailed out Mid-February, so you can start using them on March 1st 2025.   If you wait until the end of February, to renew your membership, it will take approximately 2-4 weeks to process your renewal, so it is ideal to have your renewal in by February 1st to be processed so you will have access to the club on March 1st.

>>Additional Renewal Information

Why Join Unaka Rod & Gun Club?

Unaka Rod & Gun Club is located in Johnson City, Tennessee, and has a mission to provide a great place for members and their guests to enjoy the rifle, pistol, skeet, trap, 5-stand, archery, and lazy fishing days at the pond.   At Unaka we want our guests and members to have a positive experience at all club facilities and functions.   Unaka Rod & Gun Club is committed to youth shooting sports and believes that the youth of our club is the next chapter in the club's history.  If you are looking for a gun club in North East Tennessee we would like you to consider Unaka Rod & Gun club as your choice.

Rules for all Members and Guests

It is the goal of our club to maintain a safe, friendly, and comfortable facility where outdoor sports people, hunting, marksmanship, and firearm enthusiasts can gather to enjoy our common likes. Safety is our main goal ahead of anything else. Our club facilities and membership has continued to grow over the years as more people have been introduced to the activities that we all enjoy. Our club provides for shotgun, rifle and pistol use along with archery and fishing.  We hope you always have a safe and fun time while at our club.

Our Location

Unaka Rod & Gun Club is located at:

90 Furnace Road, Johnson City, TN 37601

The club is for Members only, and a gate access card is required for entry unless the club is open for an event per the club calendar.