Membership Orientation
Welcome To Unaka Rod & Gun Club
This presentation is to acquaint you with our club, its purpose, facilities, and rules. It is designed to provide information for new members and their families as well as prospective members. The ultimate goal is for everyone to have a safe and enjoyable experience at our club.
Unaka Rod & Gun Club first opened in 1949. Our club officers include a President, First Vice-President, Second Vice-President, Treasurer, Secretary and nine directors. Board of Directors meetings are held on the first Tuesday of every month. Members in good standing may attend but only club officers can vote on issues presented. We are considered a non-profit organization and operate in accordance with our bylaws.
General Membership Info
Membership categories include an Annual Family Membership, Senior Membership for those age 65 and over. Guests may be brought by members. Each member is allowed up to two guests at any one time.
General membership meetings are held 1 time per year. The dates and times for these meetings are posted on our club website.
The Club's primary means of communication and information is via our website which is Email addresses, contact phone numbers, event details, rules and schedules can be found on the website.
The 3 General Firearm Safety Rules
Our primary concern is the safe enjoyment of our facilities by all members and guests.
THREE GENERAL SAFETY RULES that should be adhered to by all shooters at all times.
ALWAYS keep the muzzle of the firearm pointed in a safe direction at all times.
ALWAYS keep your finger off the trigger until you are ready to shoot.
ALWAYS keep the firearm unloaded until you are ready to use it and treat every firearm as if it is loaded at all times.
Use Of Club Facilities
In addition to the general firearm safety rules, Unaka Rod & Gun Club has instituted safety rules that govern our different facilities. Some of the rules are general in nature, however, some rules apply specifically to each of our different facilities. Our facilities include Shotgun Range, Rifle/Pistol Range, Archery Range, Fishing Pond etc.
It is our member's own responsibility to read and understand the rules of each facility before using that particular facility.
General club rules and individual facility rules will be covered in this orientation.
These rules can always be viewed on the club website.
General Rules
Only members and guests of members are allowed on club property. The club member must be present with their guest(s) at all times.
Members are responsible for the action of their guest(s).
Members and guests are to conduct themselves in a professional manner while on club property or attending club functions.
There is to be no consumption of alcoholic beverages on club property unless authorized by the Board of Directors.
No person shall be under the influence of alcohol or other intoxicants while on club property.
The speed limit on club property is 15 miles per hour. Motorists are to watch out for our various wildlife. We like our woodland creatures. Members have the responsibility of reporting to the Board Of Directors any willful or flagrant rule violations or destruction of club property.
Members have the responsibility to see that all rules are obeyed. Members should not hesitate to point out safety violations.
There is to be no hunting on club property unless authorized by the board of directors.
Members violating club rules or local, state, or federal hunting, fishing or firearms laws are subject to revocation of their membership.
Members and guests will always abide by the commands and instructions of all Range Safety Officers (RSO's). A Range Safety Officer (RSO) will be on duty when the shotgun fields and rifle/pistol range are open. The rifle/pistol RSO can be identified by a red ball cap. The shotgun field RSO may have a red ball cap or “safety yellow” identifier (hat, armband or vest) on his/her person.
The RSO's are club member volunteers that help our club maintain a safe and enjoyable environment. The RSO is on duty to oversee and maintain the safe operation of the club facilities.
The RSO's word is law and must be immediately obeyed even if it appears to contradict normal procedures or club rules.
Any conflicts may be brought before the Board of Directors at a later date, however, immediate action will always follow the instruction of the RSO.
Shotgun Fields – Rules Overview
The shotgun fields are open for use on Thursday night 6:30pm-9:30pm, Saturday 10:30am-3:00pm and Sunday 1:00pm-5:00pm. The shotgun field RSO may close the shotgun fields an hour early if no shooters are present so please arrive early to shoot. Inclement weather may affect hours of operation.
We have four skeet and trap ranges. One dedicated trap range, one dedicated skeet range and two are combination ranges for either sport. A patterning range is located to the left of the clubhouse with ground markers at 20, 30 and 40 yards. If the upper skeet range (Field #1) is in operation, you must coordinate the use of patterning range with upper skeet field as the patterning range will then be in a danger zone. The patterning range is the ONLY location that can be used for patterning a shotgun at the range. You must maintain a distance of at least 20 yards and be at the designated markers to be considered safe.
When arriving at the shotgun facility, all shooters must sign into the log book (located at the clubhouse). Enter the appropriate information (name, gate card number, time of arrival and signature) into the log book. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to ask the Range Safety Officer.
The maximum shot size for trap and skeet is #7 ½ and for patterning purposes number #4 lead shot. Only lead is allowed at the patterning range.
Shotguns are to remain unloaded with actions opened except when on the firing line.
It is the responsibility of shooters to keep barrels pointed in a safe direction.
There is to be no shooting of glass, cans or any other objects on the shotgun fields.
Hearing and eye protection must be worn at all times during live fire. Signs are posted to designate the mandatory eye and ear protection areas. It is recommended that eye and ear protection be worn at all times while in the vicinity of active firing.
After you have finished your shooting session on the shotgun fields, return to the clubhouse and enter your session information into the log book (number of rounds that you shot of skeet/trap along with departure time). You will then need to pay the Range Safety Officer the fee amount for your session.
Fees – One round (25 clays) of skeet or trap is $4.50 for club members. Guests of club members pay $5.50 per round.
Members may practice shotgun shooting outside of the club's scheduled open shotgun hours by the use of personally owned hand throwers during daylight hours and without a Shotgun Range Safety Officer present.
Rifle/Pistol Range – Rules Overview
Rifle/Pistol Range facilities include a conditioned range house with restrooms, shooting range out to 200 meters, 20 covered concrete bench firing positions and a dedicated handgun area with 50 yard range. Snacks and drinks are available for purchase inside of the range house.
Rifle/Pistol range hours of operation are as follows:
Summer Hours Schedule (Begins First Monday In April)
Monday-Saturday 10:00am-6:00pm
Sunday 1:00pm-5:00pm
Winter Hours Schedule (Begins First Monday In November)
Monday-Saturday 12:00pm-4:00pm
Sunday 1:00pm-5:00pm
Range may be closed due to inclement weather or when temperatures are below freezing.
A Range Safety Officer Must Always Be Present Before Rifle/Pistol Range Can Be Used The Rifle/Pistol Range may not be open during inclement weather or when temperature is below 36 degrees.
The Range Safety Officers (RSO's) are volunteer club members who are on duty to oversee and maintain the safe and enjoyable use and operation of the club facilities.
All RSO commands are to be obeyed immediately and at all times even if they seem to contradict other rules/procedures . RSO makes all final decisions regarding range use. If you have any issues, questions or concerns please contact the Chief Range Safety Officer or Board Of Directors Member. Contact information can be found inside of the range house on the bulletin board.
When arriving at the rifle/pistol range, first sign in to the log book located on the desk in the small building (middle of firing line). Enter card number, table number that you will use, time in and signature. Remember to sign out with time before you leave.
All members and guests over the age of 18 are REQUIRED to sign into log book personally. Members DO NOT sign in for their guests. Guests will use members card number.
Rifle/Pistol Range – General Range Safety
Eye and ear protection should be worn at all times while at the range. Anyone in the firing line area (under the covered roof) is REQUIRED to wear eye and ear protection while the range is “Hot” (under live fire).
There is to be no movement or firing in front of the red line (firing line) painted on the pavement ahead of the firing position benches.
During a “cease-fire”, all firearms are to be unloaded, magazines out and actions locked open.
No one is allowed forward of the “firing line” unless the line has been declared “safe” by the RSO on duty and the red flashing lights have been turned on.
Once on the firing line, a firearm must be pointed down-range at all times. This includes firearms that are on the bench. If there is a misfire, be sure to keep the muzzle pointed downrange for at least 30 seconds.
After a misfire or jam, the firearm must be cleared. If it cannot be safely cleared, the firearm must be removed from the range property as quickly and safely as possible
Smoking is not allowed near benches where muzzle loaders are being used.
If you have any questions or need assistance, please don't hesitate to ask the RSO on duty.
Rifle/Pistol Range – Permitted Target Types
Wooden target stands, bases and cardboard backers are provided free for member use. Members will need to provide their own paper targets to affix to these backers.
Paper targets may be fastened to the cardboard backers by means of tape, staples or thumbtacks.
Target stands and bases are located in the storage buildings either to the left of the range house or on the right end of the pistol range.
When placing target stands on range, make sure to place stands in a line with the firing position that will ensure that you are not going to cross shoot into another firing lane.
Yardage markers are located at 25 yards, 50 yards, 75 yards and 100 yards. The first backstop base is 170 yards and the target stands below the rock wall are at 200 yards.
Please return the target backer and stand from the storage shed from which it was taken. Paper targets should be removed and properly disposed of. Stands and backers should be stacked neatly in the storage units. The rifle/pistol range allows for use of many different types of targets and target stands.
There are some restrictions as to what can be used as a target or target stand.
Steel Rimfire:
Steel targets for 22 rimfire must be set at a minimum of 25 yards
Frames may NOT contain metal or be constructed of metal
Hanging steel can't contain large metal chains or steel straps
Targets MUST swing freely
U-shape Steel frame spinners with single or multiple spinners may be used at a minimum of 10 yards
IMPORTANT: targets must be setup to ensure shots are not taken at an angle but straight into the target
Self healing targets or Rubber targets
Targets must be set at a minimum of 25 yards
Frames may NOT contain metal or be constructed of metal
Ground targets must be set at least 10 yards beyond the baffle wall
IMPORTANT: if ground targets move to an angle while shooting, the shooter must wait until a cease fire is called to move the target back into their lane
Steel for Centerfire:
Steel targets must be set at 175 yards (the berm in front of the 200 yard line) or at the 200 yard line
Frames may NOT contain metal or be constructed of metal
Steel targets mus be AR 500 steel
Targets MUST be swingers (No fixed Steel)
Bases can not be metal
Other targets:
Clay Pigeons or target backers that hold clay pigeons are allowed when placed at the following locations – Pistol range 50 yard backstop, rifle range 170 yard backstop or 200 yard backstop. Do not place clays higher than 5 feet off ground.
Paper or plastic containers (with or without water) at a minimum distance of 25 yards. Shooter must clean up all debris.
Specific groups may use other types of targets during authorized competition shoots when approved by the board of directors.
Rifle/Pistol Range – Targets Types NOT PERMITTED
No targets of opportunity such as birds or wildlife.
No rocks are to be brought on to the range to hold down targets.
No metal targets can be used with centerfire rifles or pistols.
No explosive targets are allowed.
No junk targets or glass targets are allowed.
If in doubt, the on-duty Range Safety Officer will make final determination of allowed targets.
Rifle/Pistol Range – Ammunition NOT PERMITTED
We DO NOT ALLOW the following ammunition types to be used at our facilities.
Tracer Rounds
Incendiary Type Ammunition
Explosive Type Ammunition
Armor Piercing Bullets
Rifle/Pistol Range – Additional Information
The rifle/pistol range will occasionally host competitions for outside organizations. Range closures will be posted on the online club calendar.
Other (informal) inter-club matches are held throughout the year. These include Military Rifle & Pistol Matches, Conventional Bullseye Pistol Matches, Rimfire Rifle Silhouette Matches and Blackpowder Matches. Match information including schedule, equipment requirements and match director contact info can be found on the clubs website.
Please help us keep our facilities clean and neat. Throw trash in provided cans. Keep target stands and bases stacked neatly. Sweep up spent cases with the provided brooms/dustpans and dispose of in the metal cans hanging on the wooden supports.
Remember, all of our staff throughout the club are strictly volunteers.
Club Programs
Unaka Rod & Gun Club also sponsors youth shooting programs that cover shotgun and rifle disciplines.
Classes in Tennessee Hunters Safety and Hunters Safety Field Days are held at our facilities.
Tennessee handgun carry permit classes are conducted on a regular schedule at our club.
We hold various charity competitions throughout the year that benefit organizations like St. Jude Childrens Hospital and Disabled American Veterans
Informal inter-club leagues and matches are held in skeet, trap as well as various rifle and pistol disciplines. All members are invited to participate.
All of the scheduling and program information can be found on our website
Archery Range Use
The archery range is located on the right side of the drive just after you pass through the club's main entry gate. There is an “Archery Range” sign at the pull-off where you should park. To access to the archery range, walk up the short path to the clearing.
Target butts are provided for use. Archers must bring their own paper targets.
Archery Range Rules -
Broadhead arrows are not allowed
Shoot only at target butts provided
If you must go behind target, lean bow against target face for safety
Use is limited to daylight hours only.
Club has priority use when conducting classes that use this range.
Archers are responsible for safe condition of their equipment
Trash, debris and targets are to be removed upon leaving the area.
Wooden tables are to be returned to their original location, if moved
Fishing Pond
The fishing pond is located in the valley below the entry side of club grounds. It can be accessed by the trails located at the end of the paved drive near the lower trap field. The pond is nicely shaded and has a wooden fishing platform. Fishing is open to members and guests all year.
Club Pond Rules -
No more than one trophy sized bass (16 inches or longer) are to be kept per day.
All bluegill may be kept
Only club members and their supervised guests may fish in the pond.
Remove all trash upon leaving the pond area.
No fish are to be placed in the pond except bass, bluegill, crappie and other gamefish.
Member Involvement Within The Club
Unaka Rod & Gun Club's staff is all comprised of member volunteers. Volunteers are from range safety officers up through the elected club president.
Volunteers from our membership are how we have always run our great organization. It is by their efforts that we can maintain and run such a great facility.
We are always in need of volunteers. This can be something as simple and temporary as volunteering for a couple of hours on a club work project from time to time. We can always use help with our charity shoots and other programs.
We are always in need of responsible members to serve on a regular monthly basis as Range Safety Officers. Training is provided for this position.
If interested in volunteering some of your time to help maintain our club, please speak to one of our Board Of Director members. If interested in the Range Safety Officer Program, please speak to any RSO to get in touch with our current Chief Range Safety Officer or program director.
Once your completed application and membership fee has been received, we will issue you a current security gate card as well as a laminated permanent ID card. The gate card is to be inserted into the gate card reader that raises the entry gate. Make sure that the card is inserted with the arrow pointing towards the reader. Ensure card is inserted flat (not at an angle) and that you feel a springy resistance when fully inserted. Never try to raise the gate manually as it will be damaged.
Keep your permanent club ID with you at all times. If you are asked for your club credentials, you will need to provide your club ID card, current gate card and photo ID.
We look forward to having you as a club member.